Service Orders: To request a quote for service, please review the Services Format below, copy and paste this format into your email page, then fill in various captions as best you can within your page, and forward on to us. Or you may attach your order details, using your own order format, to the email. Email to: . If you want to talk to us in person instead, just call 509-539-2203. I will be happy to visit with you about your property issues. If you want to call, my phone will forward to my cell phone, when no one is available at the office, or if I am out on a project. Upon receipt of your request, we will assess your needs and service type, to determine timing and estimated fee quote.
Type of Service: Appraisal __ Consulting: __ Litigation: __ Other: ____________
Area of Property Location: Eastern Washington: ___ County: ___________ Eastern Oregon: ___ County: ____________
Assessor Parcel #(s) (if available): ___________________________________
Bank, Attorney, Owner or other Client Name: ___________________________
Desired start or delivery date: ______________________